You have to go for a run, if you run you lose weight, get to run to keep in shape, etc.. How many times have we heard this retails ..... but what if you tried again and again coming to the conclusion that you do not like jogging and every time you hate more? Maybe you're making any of these mistakes.
1. Always do the same route : You Change the route you run do you work other muscles as the terrain certainly not equal . Also will keep you motivated / ay improve your running technique . Recalls that it is, more of the same tired.
2 Do not fill your gas tanks : You can run for some time without eating anything, but if you plan to do a long run , then you need food and water. Try the output is between two and three hours later after have eaten , or half an hour after pecking rich in protein and carbohydrates . Nor forget to hydrate well a while before leaving. No use of water just before gorging as you feel heavier / ae you can even feel bad .
3 No heat up : Start running butt is not good idea. You will begin very motivated / a but a few minutes you can neither your soul . Warm up with a light jog to warn Chuck your body you will do. Thus you will find more willing / a what comes to you.
4 Do not make a return to calm : As important as heating , it is make a proper cool down . Do not stop suddenly . I recommend you do a very gentle jog ( even walking ) the last 5 minutes of training. And of course stretches to avoid further discomfort , muscle loads or even injury.
5. Evaluate your Preconception : Preconception is nothing else to be aware of what we are doing . Running may seem normal, common, and that everyone can do. But sure some adjustments to your running technique and prevent injuries you may make you less tired . See how your step with each foot , the position of your arms, your shoulders , and even where you direct the look. You 'll see how making small changes without noticing improvements .
6 Do not you challenge yourself / a : If you want to be a / at good / racer / a need to increase the pace . Ask series intervals or can do will improve your speed. So your long runs will be faster over time. It is also a different way of training , which will make you feel more motivated / to and not get bored.
7 Do not watch your clothing : Cotton T-shirts that do not transpire , sports other sports or universal , pants with too many seams, etc. . All this dress can make you feel uncomfortable / ay costing you want to return to jogging. I recommend you go to a specialty running for you an industry professional advisers store. Do not think that because something so specific it will be expensive.
8 I ask too much : it's good to push yourself , but always without going over. Over training or too strong pace will cause you to think you're not in shape and get you low . Be aware of what you are able and wish for a little more. Set yourself realistic goals by getting them to go slowly .
9. The too long strides : Can not seem to go so fast , but the truth is that you also more tired . The longer your strides are more impact can receive your muscles and joints. Small but quick strides is a great choice and will last longer running .
Has 10 Do not you hooked : Out running costs unless you settle into a routine. Do not think "maybe go out for a run today ." Set yourself a few days fixed (and if you can be a fixed times ) and stick to your plan. You'll end up feeling that the day you can not go running your body will ask cane . At the end while running just hooking is hard to pass more than two days without leaving .
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