4 Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting

Maybe your pants are too tight, or just start stressing to see so near the beach season. Whatever your motivation, you are aware that it is time to make a change. Although just thinking go on a diet

4 Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting

Although you've heard that to lose weight you must eat less and move around a lot, we'll see 4 Ways to lose weight without enslave a salad plate.


Anyone after a hard day's work has gotten under his belt a liter of ice cream , you know the feeling you have thrown away the job of trying to eat healthily . A study conducted by the Journal of Consumer Psychology showed that the most optimistic people were more apt to choose more nutritious than those who were more depressed food . When you find animated / a you are better able to analyze overall and have more time to decide . By contrast, when we feel depressed, what we do is look for instant gratification. That is the time when we mysteriously just donuts and pastries for all sites.

Do not know how to see the positive side of your life? The psychologist Gardner proposes look ahead (and not necessarily toward a healthy future.) In the supermarket, let your mind wander displaying the same place in the future. You can think of how that same store will be in a few years .

Or if you're thinking about a snack, what will you think of junk food that will hit harder in a few years.

Looking ahead can help you put into perspective your immediate desires.

Decline pace

Scientists have been recommending not swallow food because the brain needs time to process the state of "I'm already full." If you've ever tried to eat but the food is slowly disappearing in a few seconds, then maybe you do need a little help. The Hapifork has left me away (no longer know what to invent). It is a fork you mark how often you take the food to the mouth, and if you spend rapidly vibrates. And to top it off, it makes you take statistics and results in your PC or Smartphone.

Measure your progress

As I said in other posts, keep a diary of what you eat is a technique to lose weight more than demonstrated. Pointing everything you eat you are more aware of what you take you to the mouth. Although it can also be boring and complicated write everything all you should know that's what early days. After you've used. In a study from Duke University, overweight women lost weight simply by pointing their smartphone in basic information such as how many stairs they have gained throughout the day or if they have eaten or not junk food.

Something I like to do is send a message to the person who trains me with a question for your target day. Early in the morning I send a message like: "How many glasses of water have you had today?. And so record your progress becomes a work of two, making it more enjoyable.

Go to bed

Numerous studies have found the relationship between lack of sleep and obesity, but a new study from the University of Colorado, Boulder, found that your waist can be seriously impaired in just 5 nights. People who slept five hours during the study, took almost 1 kilo in weight. Lack of sleep can interfere with your metabolism and make you eat more. Especially in situations unconscious as watching TV or surfing the internet.

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