Men of playful feelings

There are very committed to their relationships and their girlfriends men, but there are some guys that create a bad image for this genre and are those that are womanizer, who deceive and delude with words and just looking to spend some fun time with women. We must learn to identify them so as not to cause damage.

Men of playful feelings

It may sound strange or even funny, but true. There are many men who only play with women and feelings, it really is not having much. They are those who only go in search of pretty girls, who use thousands of words and details, but his goal is to eventually take them to bed. The downside is that they have so good luck to them, most women fall into his game without realizing that they are being used. Therefore it is important to learn to identify them and not allow churn damage. There are certain signs to be left exposed, for example:

- The meetings usually are always at home, because leaving a public space comes to represent a great danger. never have contact with more people and almost always seeks the views of the girl are in your room and if you can, in your bed. Plans like going to walk a park, even journey, cinema or something, it is almost impossible and always find an excuse to look good.

Another one of the clearest signs is that they have pictures together and much less on social networks which can become a sign that there is a close relationship or a friend. What really matters to him is that his bachelorhood no longer be known among your contacts, especially women.

- Usually fairly expressive, thoughtful and being seemingly very aware all day, texting, social networking, or frequently calling. But lo and behold, when the next day is not listed, do not spend a single minute to find out the girl who supposedly cares. usually these guys just looking to women when they are bored, but it's not because they want something really serious.

- In a couple communication and being able to have a conversation about any topic is important, it is essential. But when it comes down to superfluous talks, unimportant issues and really let some type of education, it is a sign that this guy is not interested in the relationship or feel what he says.

- A man speaking women is unreliable and less who only talks about his ex-girlfriends but always bad. The criticism, everything bothers you and may not exceed any because all you left some kind of mark and was also a lousy boyfriend and never was interested in look after them or make them feel good.

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