What cream for stretch marks is best?

What cream for stretch marks is best

Observing changes its shape during pregnancy, many women think about the problem, what cream for stretch marks better. Of course, this is not the most important issue that should not bother you at this time, but you can try to somehow adjust and process.

Any stretch marks creams are based on regenerating substances that help regenerate skin cells that are damaged as a result of the intensive growth of other tissues.

Bands of white (striae), deliver less discomfort than purple or red, however, and their presence may hamper women.

After birth, some young mothers to get rid of stretch marks have resorted to the intensity of their "extermination": laser resurfacing, peeling, ozone therapy and other procedures. However, during the period of pregnancy is permissible to use (only with a doctor's permission!) Only external means of getting rid of stretch marks: creams or gels.

Halt the growth of stretch marks will help virgin olive oil, a small amount of which very slowly spread over the problem areas (it will be enough this was done once a day).

If the cream you do decide to buy, then carefully examine its structure, there must be a component such as active moisturizers, amino acids, protein hydrolysates, collagen, vitamins and minerals. Well, if in a cream there any useful oils, such as cocoa, sea buckthorn, wheat germ, rose hips, etc.

The most well-known brands such creams you can easily find at your local pharmacy: Mama comfort, Avent, Muster, Vichy, Sanosan, «9 months" and others.

Note that the stretch marks cream is best to buy only proven pharmacy and not with the hands and, even more so if the package has been broken. Do not forget to tell us about it local gynecologist: doctor must approve it, and suggest how to apply the cream so as not to harm the baby.

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