Treatment of cough in pregnancy what are the features?

Treatment of cough in pregnancy what are the features

Many people know that cough during pregnancy not only causes discomfort for the woman, but it can also bring trouble and child in the womb. During coughing attacks increases the possibility of uterine tone, which, in turn, can lead to impaired blood supply to the fetus and fetal hypoxia.

So, given all the negative consequences, it is necessary to treat cough and, if necessary, consult a specialist. A natural question arises, how to treat cough in pregnant women considering an interesting position.

Drugs of first choice for many women are plant-based medicines or herbs that do not have adverse effects on the fetus. Give an excellent effect such herbs as: plantain, lime, sage, chamomile - with a series of dry cough and yarrow - in the wet. In addition, herbs can be used for inhalation, which will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the course of the disease.

Invaluable for colds during pregnancy may have a natural honey. Warm milk with a spoonful of honey, will help raise the immune system and contribute to the fight against cough. Can also be mixed with mineral water, milk, according to the doctors, because of this composition on the mucous membranes of the trachea formed alkaline environment, which, in turn, gives a good result in the treatment of cough during pregnancy.

If within a few days the cough persists, despite all the efforts made, you should not put off a visit to the doctor. Perhaps banal cough caused unnecessary complications, and now require antibiotics. In this case, the specialist will prescribe the right medicine and tell you how to cure cough during pregnancy, taking into account the health status of the patient.

Summing up, it should be noted that the treatment of cough in toddler waiting period is necessary. Complications arising on a background of the cliff, will have far worse consequences than the possible side effects from the drugs of first aid when coughing. In fact, during pregnancy, a woman is not only responsible for their own health but also the health of the unborn child.

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