Masks with Pepper Tincture for Hair - 6 recipes

Masks with Pepper Tincture for Hair - 6 recipes

Pepper tincture has a strong stimulating effect on hair roots , activating blood circulation. That is why the effect of the use of funds from such notable pepper and fast. Hair mask with pepper tincture will not only help speed up hair growth, but also significantly improve their condition.

Before starting to prepare the mask , you should know some general guidelines .

Before preparing the masks recommended slightly warm pepper tincture in order to enhance the action of the mask.

Apply the mask should be solely on the hair roots.

Once you apply the mask on the head, be sure to use a shower cap and towel , as contained in the tincture alcohol will evaporate more slowly , that will save your hair from drying out .
Pepper mask for hair growth is not recommended to do more than 2 times a week .

Hair mask with pepper tincture and burdock oil

2 tablespoons pepper tincture should be mixed with 2 tablespoons of burdock oil . In order to protect the hair from dryness suggested adding a few drops of vitamin A.
On pre-washed and slightly damp hair thoroughly and abundantly inflict the resulting composition . Put on a shower cap and wrap head with a towel . If you do not feel a strong burning sensation , then you can leave the mask on for 30 minutes. Then rinse the hair with warm water .

Another popular mask recipe with the addition of burdock oil and pepper tincture is as follows .

Hair mask with burdock oil and honey

1 tablespoon pepper tincture , 1 tablespoon of burdock oil , 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 1 tablespoon honey . All sostav yayushey mask mix well and massage into the scalp. Put on a hat, a towel and wait 30 minutes, then wash off the mask with warm water and hair shampoo.
Additionally, you can add to the base mask with pepper brandy burdock oil and one egg yolk . Hair after such a mask will be shiny and strong. Apply this mask on the hair roots and insulated with a towel and kept within an hour.

Hair Mask with castor oil

For the preparation of such a mask you will need the following items :

Tablespoon pepper tincture ;
Tablespoon of castor oil , a little heated in a water bath ;
Tablespoon balm that you normally use for hair.

Mix all ingredients and apply the mask on their hair roots with a cotton swab . Close the cap and hair towel and leave the mask on for 1 hour. Then rinse with warm water .

Another option hair mask with pepper tincture and castor oil is the following mask .

Hair Mask with castor oil and onions

1 tablespoon of pepper , 1 tablespoon of castor oil, 1 tablespoon honey , 1 tablespoon of onion juice , 1 tablespoon calendula infusion and 1 egg yolk . Mix the ingredients and apply the mask on the hair roots. Create a thermal effect with caps and towels and leave the mask for 30 minutes. Then rinse with water with the addition of hair balm.

Mask with pepper tincture , castor oil and tomato

No less popular mask is the mask for which you need the following components. One small ripe tomato , 2 tablespoons of pepper , 1 tablespoon of burdock oil .
Tomato mash with a fork to form a slurry. Mix it with pepper brandy and butter. Apply the product to the hair roots and warm massaging head. After 30 minutes - 1 hour rinse with warm water.
In pepper mask for hair growth can be added balm . He will have a mitigating effect on the hair and protect them from drying out .

Hair mask with pepper tincture and salve blends well with the following components .

Hair Mask with balm

2 egg yolks , 2 tablespoons pepper tincture , 100 ml of yogurt and 2 tablespoons of hair conditioner . Mix the ingredients and apply the mask on the hair roots , create heat with a towel . After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

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