Cowboy Style Clothing

Cowboy Style Clothing 

To create an elegant image, you must adhere to a certain style skill . So , to create a cowboy style clothing - does not mean to wear a cowboy hat , boots, leather pants, a wide belt and a plaid shirt . Of course, these attributes may be present in the generated image, but in specific amounts and combinations.

Cowboy style in men's fashion has come from the days of the wild west and territories , and in women's fashion , respectively - of men , and in two ways: firstly, it is a complete copy of masculine style , including jeans or leather pants , and secondly, it's a way girlfriend cowboy country or gel. Both images are now in trend , so you can stay on them in detail.

Attributes cowboy style clothing

Boots . They are characterized by a narrow toe , which is slightly raised up , steady small heel (2-3 cm) , wide leg , stitched leather , sometimes with a small embroidery without straps , chains , etc.

Hat . It certainly fits in tandem with boots. Hat should be sewn leather or woven straw . On each side of the field in such a hat folded up. Headdress in cowboy style is not permitted.

Pants . Cowboy style of dress do not think without denim. Denim pants in classic cowboy style must be blue , usually wide or flared cut. Often in these pants present leather inserts .

Jackets . Cowboy jacket can be denim or leather ( brown or red , often made ​​of suede ) . On jackets allowed trims , buttons, fringe chopped leather sleeves . Similarly, can be decorated and bags for this outfit.

Shirt. Classic cowboy style - plaid shirt of thick cotton red, blue, green or other base colors.

Feminine attributes cowboy style - this in addition to everything listed , short summer skirts or dresses of light fabric with flounces , ruffles , lace , on the principle that combines wonderful contrast with the rough denim and genuine leather .

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