Serious problem Dandruff - Treatment of Dandruff at Home

Dandruff - this is a very serious problem, although at first glance it may not seem serious, even a temporary disorder in the functioning of certain organs or systems of the body. But with dandruff can cope quite well even resorting only to the use of folk remedies and treatments. Most often, the cause of dandruff is a fungus and to remove dandruff from head enough to defeat this fungus. But it is not always the cause of dandruff is a fungus, and in this case, dandruff can be the cause of the presence of disease in the body or the preconditions for the formation of diseases of which you can not even guess.

Serious problem Dandruff - Treatment of Dandruff at Home

For the treatment of dandruff can use salt exfoliation or mask from henna or dairy products. Also have good effect masks with essential oils. To prevent dandruff helps periodic massage of the head. It can be done as the hands and comb, will be effective and special massage. But the most popular folk treatment for dandruff is the use of dairy products.

Their effect is due to the huge amount of minerals that are contained within them. For example take the whey, it is very well contribute to hydration and nutrition of the scalp. Using this recipe is easy to use. Simply put serum scalp smooth movement then wrap head polyethylene and left in this state for an hour, half an hour. Polyethylene we need to keep warm. After the period of time covered wash off with a mild shampoo healing potion.

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