If before monthly breast stopped hurting?

If before monthly breast stopped hurting

What if before monthly breast stopped hurting? It seems a ridiculous question! Well, of course, be glad you do not feel discomfort. However, the breast used to always hurt before the onset of menstruation, and in the next cycle stopped - it causes anxiety fears that all right?

Every month a woman's body to prepare for fertilization. Monthly in the body hormonal changes occur, and it can not affect the well-being of women. Only some women have all the symptoms of hormonal change-expressed clearly and flow significantly. Others are women (mostly those who can boast of good health) do not even notice any discomfort from the whole process. Of course, the most significant changes occur in the female reproductive system, that's where ripens the culprit of all - the egg, it is her work all the hormones.

And due to the hormonal rebuild as changing a woman's breasts. She is also preparing for a possible pregnancy and lactation future. For breast blood rush, the breast becomes heavy, dense, slightly expands, it becomes more sensitive. Breast augmentation is due to the fact that the glandular breast tissue grows. If fertilization has not occurred in the current menstrual cycle, then the glandular tissue atrophies dies. And so from month to month, from cycle to cycle. Women accustomed to a certain discomfort to painful sensations that arise in the chest in the second half of the cycle, before menstruation. While some women can be very severe pain that they even hurt to dress. Chest pain before menstruation is called mammalgia. And if it does not bring much concern a woman, then it is considered a normal physiological process, not pathology.

Why do many women care about that before menstruation stopped hurting breasts? As already mentioned above, chest pain before menstruation stopped hurting grudneposredstvenno associated with hormonal women. And if the usual monthly chest pain disappeared, a woman can make a conclusion that she had been some changes in hormonal levels. And of course, begins to worry: if this is normal, whether there are any abnormalities, not a sign of pregnancy is?

Chest usually responds to progesterone levels. Hormone progesterone produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary after ovulation. Its level in the body of a woman reaches high quantities in the second half of the menstrual cycle before menstruation. And when the body "understands" that fertilization does not occur, the progesterone level drops dramatically and reduced to a minimum, which causes the following month. Just chest reacts to receiving synthetic hormones for contraception. If you throw them to take, but the breast before menstruation, as usually does not hurt, it can be assumed that ovulation has occurred. If this is repeated for several cycles, you should consult a doctor and undergo hormonal examination.

If before monthly breast stopped hurting, it is not a sign of pregnancy. On the contrary, at the beginning of pregnancy, the body produces a lot of progesterone and breasts begin to actively prepare for lactation, all in the compartment can lead to pain and discomfort in the chest.

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