How to makeup drooping eyelids

How to makeup drooping eyelids

Beautiful eye makeup - a guarantee of good mood. With age, have to master more complex techniques such make-up, for example, how to paint drooping eyelids. After all, if done properly, it will take a person with an expression of sadness or fatigue, and the eyes will look young again.

Algorithm of eye makeup with overhanging eyelids

  • Eyebrows and slightly lengthen the decimation using a special pen, the maximum lifting up the outer edge.
  • We put on the lid and light shadows to shade them throughout the area from eyebrows to eyelashes.
  • On the inner corner plot the darker shade of the selected tone.
  • Slightly darker shade to shade toward the temples.
  • Black pencil draw a line starting from the middle of the century and to the outer edge, it gradually thickening.

Nuances of eye makeup with overhanging eyelids

  • Hide drooping eyelids help to dark tones of shadows, with pearlescent shades are best avoided.
  • Eyeliner enhances the effect of droop century, so its use is not necessary.
  • With this visual flaw is impossible to put mascara on lower lashes. A top, in contrast, stands out as distinctly possible.
  • When you paint drooping eyelids, eye shadow is better to put above the growth of the cilia, the center of the century stands out the most clearly.
  • Eye makeup with overhanging eyelids done with eyes open: You create color transitions, shaded and only then close your eyes and stained with folds.

Thus, the ability to paint drooping eyelids helps to hide the existing defect, but not completely eliminates this problem. Of course, surgical correction - the extreme way out of this situation. Usually drooping eyelids occur because of improper water balance: fluid collects in the eye area and stretches the skin. Properly chosen specialized cosmetics will help solve this problem. Refer to a specialist who may prescribe a diet or prescribe the necessary cosmetics, and, if necessary, and treatment in order to resolve this issue.

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