Health is Wealth

At begin of recent year each one have new priorities. it might be nice if we have a tendency to provide a lot of priority to our health. begin with following tips

    * Drink many water.
    * Eat breakfast sort of a king, lunch sort of a prince and dinner sort of a beggar.
    * Eat a lot of foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that's manufactured in plants.
    * Live with the three E ' s -- Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy.
    * build time to hope.
    * Play a lot of physical games than laptop games.
    * scan a lot of books than you probably did in 2009 .
    * Sit in silence and alone for a minimum of ten minutes every day.
    * Sleep for 6-7 hours.
    * Take a 10-30 minute walk daily. And whereas you walk, smile.

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