Modern quality in a beautiful chest (Breast)

Modern quality in a beautiful chest (Breast)

At different times, the concept of beautiful breasts changed, and is now considered to be an ideal breast size such that for all movements of the body retains the same shape. Hence it is considered beautiful and high elastic chest, regardless of its size, the main modern quality in a beautiful chest - tone.

Check the tone of his chest.

At different times and eras changed the standard of female breasts. Then in vogue was large and magnificent breasts, then a small cone-shaped. Who is considered the ideal breast size such that for all movements of the body retains the same shape. From this beautiful in the world today is considered high and firmer breasts, regardless of its size, the main thing - the tone.

What is the tone of the breast? This is how it looks. A woman's breasts, so must be young, tall and supple. Tone and the height of the breast is determined by the following method - placed under the chest pencil. If it falls out, it's nice to remain - it is a problem of sagging breasts already exists, and it should work.

Want parameters beautiful breasts

if there are certain parameters "ideal" breast. Naturally, the men all have been calculated, see below. But, as I was not looking, and could not find many of the "related" responses. For example, on a specific point to what should be measured. For some growth, or, say, women body, these parameters are calculated. Than to remove them, a ruler or a soft measuring tape. And as for the angle of elevation, probably do need a protractor, where I have it lying around. Again it is not clear where to put it all. Also, I was not able to determine two-thirds of my volume bottom of the glands or not. Maybe you will, be sure to email me at the bottom of the page in the comments. A "perfect" parameters are:

  • Upper part of the chest should be 3.1 or 33% of the total volume
  • Lower part - 2.3 or 67%.
  • Distance from the nipple to the center of the chest - 9 -11 cm;
  • The distance between the nipple and the clavicle 21 cm;
  • Areola diameter - of 3.5 to 4.5 cm
  • Distance from the crease under the breast to the nipple of 7 to 8 cm;
  • Fold length 11-14 cm
  • Angle of elevation should be 20 - 45 degrees.

Women somehow believe that large breasts guarantee its success. In love, family and even business. And plastic surgeons work, work ... Do not they support this view? Because a well-known men's magazine a couple of years ago, interviewed around the world more than a million men, asking the question - "What is the size of a woman's breasts you like." And what are the results? Big breasts - about 12 percent of respondents, small - 7, the average - 35 percent (the average being 2 breast size). If you add up, you get a little more than 50 percent, or almost half of the men found it difficult to answer this question. When asked to clarify on what is the option of breast they pay attention to, if not on the size, most of the answer is simple - "the way she looks." That is, the same tone, skin and so on ...

Oh how I tried to enlarge breasts without surgery, and what came of it, I already told you. Read it, save a lot of money and nerves. Therefore, I do not advise you to spend your energy, time and money on breast augmentation, it is rather difficult (and after reading the results of the survey and do not need). But keep your breast in shape, slightly adjust its shape, make skin soft - absolutely in our power. It remains to choose where to be begin.

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