A complex select Exercise for Weight Loss

A complex select Exercise for Weight Loss

To lose weight is not enough just to go to a gym or fitness center and perform there any exercise program. It would seem that it is an axiom, but many people ignore it, and so do not lose weight. Experts in the field of sport and healthy eating note - for weight loss is important to choose the types of physical activity, those exercises that allow the most effective to burn fat.

Modern fitness centers offer us a wide variety of strength training and cardio. But here's a nice complex in order to achieve quick results is in terms of weight loss - it is a question of interest to many women. After all, not all a good idea of ​​what different from cardio power and what kind of exercise program is the most effective for weight loss. Let's try to sort out this issue!

Exercise for Weight Loss - What's the Difference

Let's take a detailed look at how fundamentally different strength and cardio sets of exercises for weight loss. Thus, strength training involve the use of special weighting equipment such as dumbbells. They are aimed primarily at strengthening the muscles, ridding them from sagging, improved form. Cardio occur without additional weighting and, as is evident from their very names such training designed to improve the activity of the cardiovascular system. This type of fitness include aerobics, running, training on

bikes, etc.

Now that we understand the concepts you need to understand exactly how to burn fat during the one or the other type of training, and thus, to understand what a set of exercises for losing weight is needed in your case.

Power of exercises for weight loss. During power loads accelerated blood flow and stimulate metabolic processes in the body. The latter process continues after the end of the workout. Strength training also requires high energy consumption, resulting in a workout burns huge amounts of calories. However, if it is a very short and intense power loads, the body with the aim of "energy" burned primarily carbohydrates and no fat stores. But later to recuperate it is used and fat stores, and this effect lasts for a long time at the end of the power classes.

Cardiocomplexsy exercise for weight loss. And what happens to the fat during cardio? Increased oxygen consumption by the body leads to the fact that calories during such active exercises spent with astonishing rapidity, and a small weight loss is noticeable even on scales after exercising. But when the body does not need them long-term recovery, so in this case the effect of burning fat is very short.

What a set of exercises for weight loss to choose

So what do you choose to lose weight: jogging, swimming, aerobics or exercise in the gym? As he and the other type of fitness has its positive and negative aspects, most reasonable to be included in the training program activity of both species. So, with the help of cardio you can quickly burn fat and weight training will allow you to expend calories even after school.

To your weight loss program was the most effective, begin with the complex power exercises. Follow cardio will increase the fat burning effect. You can divide the cardio and strength systems and practice them in turn. For example, training on a treadmill in the morning will help you get rid of those fat deposits that you have accumulated over the previous day. A part-body workout will reduce the overall level of accumulation of fat in the body.

In general, making sets of exercises for weight loss, fitness trainers recommend this approach. If you want to maintain its shape, drop a lot of weight you do not need, it is better to be based on the cardio. If it is necessary to lose weight on a fair number of kilograms, include training set of exercises with weights is necessary.

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