How to enlarge breasts without surgery at home

How to enlarge breasts without surgery at home

Think about how you can enlarge your breasts, I started a couple of years ago. Of course, of any operations for breast augmentation it was not - interested only in ways doable at home. Cause I see no reason to hide - there was one, and thought that if I like Pamela Anderson, loneliness will leave as a nightmare. And not just collected, and for a long time to test all conceivable methods of breast augmentation in their own home. And continually monitors the internet to make sure that all the known methods of breast augmentation without surgery are known to me and tried.

Today I'll tell you what beauty, folk and all the other methods and techniques of breast augmentation without surgery, there are possible to actually increase their breasts at home.

How to enlarge your breasts - creams and gels

It happened that one of my friends works as a pharmacist at the pharmacy - she told me that now there is a real boom in sales means to enlarge breasts without surgery. Increase breast gels, creams, pills, pills and herbs are swept off the shelves. According to the manufacturer, they contain drugs that speed up metabolism and causing a rush of blood, which leads to an increase in breast. Thus, it turns out rather swollen breasts, rather than increased. Only one "but" - these creams at home should be used almost constantly, otherwise the chest again quickly back "to its original position." And since the overwhelming way most of these creams contain hormones, then use them often simply impossible. So it cuts both ways - both eager and prickly.

There are also more "homegrown" ways to stimulate a surge in the blood and thus increase the breast. I even tried on stupidity it myself now to think about it would not be desirable. For example, in one forum read that in the home, you can easily enlarge breasts without surgery, if applied on the breasts mustard. Here, I think, great technique, you watch TV, but the breast increases. Ended the story that instead of increasing the received burns to the skin, chest ached for three days and I'm with her, cursing himself and the unknown well-wisher to the forum. By the way, the same home effect of breast augmentation can be obtained using iodine Veins, so be careful with such advice.

Breast augmentation - the hardware method

This special cup, which are superimposed on the chest, due to the vacuum created there a certain pressure, causing a rush of blood to the mammary glands. Just do not buy a home massagers, write about them, that they make a woman's breasts in a rag. In the salons somehow safer, at least, I liked it. And breast really increased, however, this volume is kept short, from a week to a month, gradually falling to the same level, and we have to repeat the procedure. Breast with very sensitive, sometimes painful, but at first looks just gorgeous, and if you need a flash at a party, a date or subdue a man in bed, ideal option.

How to enlarge your breasts through diet

Because very well want to solve the problem in an elementary way. Of course, there are foods that contain phytoestrogens, which promote growth of the breast. Of course, the question is rather long, but the benefits of such a diet is always there. Details I spoke about this topic in the material products for breast augmentation, read, very interesting, but here I will try to warn you of errors, which are very bad for the figure, health, and are difficult to correct later.

Unfortunately, sometimes there are stupid advice about what you can enlarge breasts without surgery by eating cabbage, raw dough or yeast. Remember - this method is applicable only for the girls, whose bodies are still growing, that is for teenagers. And then with great caution, because these products do not increase breast separately as such, but in general the volume of the body. Girl fullness all, well, breasts naturally follow. Being a fat woman with big breasts good enough. And women, whose bodies are formed for a long time, try to increase the breast in this manner generally contraindicated - you will only gain weight, mostly in the abdomen and thighs, and breasts will remain the same.

More on one of the forums read that breast enlargement, it turns out, you need to drink a liter of beer a day, supposedly in beer contains many substances like female estrogen, and you can easily enlarge your breasts at home without surgery. I do not know who could offer such nonsense. Beer - a real sabotage against beauty and beer bellies men superfluous proof. Plus beer, let it be known, it is very bad for women's gynecology, in particular the ability to bear and give birth to a healthy baby, and the weight after the birth of the hop lovers would be virtually impossible to lose. Therefore, wanting to increase breast without surgery, unequivocally deny yourselves of all that is related to alcohol.

How to enlarge your breasts - exercises

And she found, I confess, a lot of interesting things. It turns out that the breasts any exercises can not be increased, but the chest muscles - you can. It is time. Exercises that everywhere presented as exercises for the chest, lift the breasts, improve its shape, increase the tone, but had virtually no effect on the resolution. That's two. Well, empty talk?

Let's find a moment - how do you determine that the breast has increased? Elementary - Pit your chest. So, exercises for chest girth almost do not change, but, attention, grasp even the smallest breasts can be increased in a few seconds due to ... correct posture. Yes! Conduct a simple experiment. Stand up as you stand normally, and ask your girlfriend Smer volumes. And then just put your hands up, put them on his head and repeat the test - I assure you, a few centimeters at once would be a plus. This posture, posture and exercises to allow you to get as soon as possible without actual breast augmentation operations. By the way, recently I have this on TV and heard in the program "On the most important on the RTR." Could not for a year ahead of time to say something ...

Strictly speaking, a conclusion of my story can be done now - enlarge breasts at home without surgery is possible and creams, and massages, but this story for a short time, a week or a month. If you want to enlarge their breasts for a long time, then you will either have to do in the gym, and to do just two complex - on the pectoral muscles to the chest and was pretty high, and posture that she "turned", became wider and more effective. Ask yourself - are you ready to deal with them? If so, can credit our site under article will help you find the right exercise.

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