Incredible - but the fact remains. The most common diseases in the world - a disease closely associated with the disorder in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. According to independent sources of medical statistics, more than 50% of the world's population suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and one of the most commonly included in the top ten is gastritis.
Let us look at the main symptoms of gastritis. The first thing you notice - a loss of appetite, sometimes it comes to nausea and vomiting. Pain with gastritis are pulling and aching. Most interesting is that over 60% of people suffering from gastritis to see your card - chronic gastritis. In this case, an inflammation of the stomach wall occurs periodically as a result of certain factors.
Let us look at the main symptoms of gastritis. The first thing you notice - a loss of appetite, sometimes it comes to nausea and vomiting. Pain with gastritis are pulling and aching. Most interesting is that over 60% of people suffering from gastritis to see your card - chronic gastritis. In this case, an inflammation of the stomach wall occurs periodically as a result of certain factors.
Very fatty foods, the body incompatibility with certain types of products, also a major cause of gastritis is getting a lot of stress, excessive worries about without cause. In alternative medicine gastritis equate to a constant, periodic, often repeated condition in which a person can not accept what that situation, the behavior of people, certain circumstances, with the result that the energy level is an imbalance, which subsequently leads to disruption on the physical level in the form of gastritis .
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