How often should you wash your hair on your head?

Our glands, oil glands work throughout our lives. They begin to appear at the baby still in the fourth month of pregnancy of his mother. More sebaceous glands located on the face and head. The rest of the distributed throughout the body, except the areas of the soles of feet and palms of the hands. Knowing what the sebaceous (fatty) glands, we consider why they are needed in our body. These glands are needed by the body in order to allocate a special greasy lubricant, which, in turn, protects the body from excessive penetration of moisture.

Our glands, oil glands work throughout our lives. They begin to appear at the baby still in the fourth month of pregnancy

If the sebaceous glands will not give some kind of grease our skin gradually loses its elasticity and becomes wither away, peels much faster than it does through natural ways of replacing the body skin.

The natural process of the sebaceous glands gradually makes hair greasy and gives them a dirty shade, at least in modern society views dirty (oily and greasy) hair is considered extremely obscene. That's why people first wash with natural lubrication of the head using shampoo and subsequently applied to the skin extra cream, lubricate the scalp conditioner. 
The main thing to remember that everywhere, as in the hair washing is good middle ground. You should not wash your hair too often, but we should not allow careless state greasy head. Since education, which accumulate on the greasy hair, and especially in the valleys, where the hair grows, in this case become a great breeding ground for bacteria. Of course for every person has its own rate at which to wash my hair. Only the fact remains that the more hair on the head, the more often it is necessary to wash.

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