Improve your posture and abdomen with the techniques hipopresiva

Improve your posture and abdomen with the techniques hipopresiva

It is a holistic approach that sees training in a comprehensive way. Posture and breathing are the fundamental basis on which special attention. Decreases intra-abdominal pressure to prevent possible diseases of the pelvic floor especially in the case of women. "

What does Hypopressive?

The etymological origin of the word comes from the Greek prefix Hypo, which meaning pressure, ie, no pressure. Exercises that reduce intra-abdominal pressure or internal pressure, hence the name. They are also known as abdominal hipopresivos, gymnastics and Hipopresiva method or technique.

What are the exercise hipopresivos?

Two pillars of the Hipopresiva technique such as: postural work impinging on the stabilizing muscles of the spine and the muscles of the abdominal wall and respiratory training. Uddiyana base band, a breathing technique or pranayama Yoga used for work of bands used. Through this technique in the abdomen that seems to literally disappear, it is interspersed with diaphragmatic breaths Hipopresiva leading to breathing. They are made ​​in apnea, but "expiratory". During this apnea, inspiring the rib cage muscles producing immediate expansion with consequent elevation of the diaphragm contracts. This favors the decrease in intra-abdominal pressure (along with postural patterns). The diaphragmatic rise also creates a suction on the pelvic viscera. This is one of the reasons why it is believed that it can produce such good improvements in urinary leakage or even fall of internal organs when a therapist applies.

Postural demanding training also helps to tone the muscles of the abdomen and pelvic floor. This indirectly affects sexual function for greater toning pelvic floor will give women greater proprioception or "internal" feeling. Additional abdominal vacuum also called "abdominal vacuum" increases the rate of venous return and oxygenation. This will facilitate vascularization especially the pelvis.

What are the benefits?

  • So, among the many benefits it provides systematic practice are:
  • Postural improvements.
  • Reduction of back pain.
  • Toning abdominal-perineal musculature.
  • Improvements in the flexibility of the spine and lower limbs.

In the field of therapy, rehabilitation is an excellent method of pelvic floor disorders:

  • Such as urinary incontinence
  • Own pregnancy and postpartum physical disorders.

For whom is indicated ?

In short, all men, women, and all those who want to enjoy a healthy workout that avoids the hyper-internal pressures can practice these exercises.

They have become very popular for postpartum recovery until Pilar Rubio has recovered from other famous figure after giving birth. The decrease in waist circumference by shifting the balance of pressures is very fast. In just one month, practitioners decrease between 3-4 cm waist. In this post I explain how the hipopresivos decrease waist circumference: also prevents pathologies as common pelvic floor after childbirth.

For elderly or greater is a gentle physical activity that will provide improved flexibility, mobility and posture as necessary over the years.

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