If Before Menstruation Appeared pink highlight, as it may indicate ?

If Before Menstruation Appeared pink highlight, as it may indicate
 Isolation - it is a natural physiological process that accompanies the woman during her lifetime . Nature of the discharge can vary for several reasons. If the selection transparent , odorless and clots , it is normal and indicates normal operation of the body. But sometimes before menstruation appear pink discharge and it scares most women.

The fact that the pale pink discharge before menstruation can be as normal and speak about the presence of gynecological problems.

What contributes to the appearance of pink discharge ?

First of all, analyze the situation in which the appearance of pink discharge before menstruation should not scare you .
  • If you are taking medications , highlight pink color can be a side effect of their reception.
  • If you are using a contraceptive intrauterine device , then select pink color possible. But you still should think about changing contraception as allocation suggests that the spiral does not suit you .
  • Beyond these reasons , selection of pink in the middle of the menstrual cycle talk about past ovulation.
  • Pink selection before menstruation may be in the ensuing pregnancy, but they should not be plentiful.

Even if pink discharge were caused by factors that pose no danger, and should be monitored closely follow the character changes.

As noted above, there are some diseases that can not be left untreated. One of them is endometriosis and in most cases , it is accompanied by secretions pink. When cervical erosion are also possible similar isolation . Infections in the reproductive system may be accompanied by pink secretions. All this tells us that self- diagnose the presence of a problem , it is impossible . Should undergo a series of surveys to identify the causes of such selection.

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