If you will be back hurts because you want

If you will be back hurts because you want

The alarm clock, important meeting at the office, stretches between the sheets, next to another and ... up? Oh, disaster, can not stand: lumbago strikes again. "Love, you bring me coffee in bed?". Let's see who tells the boss ...

Back pain is not so much a curse as the toll we have to pay for having stood: if we had kept walking 'fours' not hurt us. The transition to bipedalism, this evolutionary leap that gave us so many advantages as a species, also led us to be carrying on our lower back all the weight of neck, head, chest and arms. And there we are, back made ​​some foxes.

But do not blame only the evolution of upright posture even give us that predisposition, each of us is responsible for the 'maintenance' of the spine and the muscles that support it. It is estimated that between 80% and 90% of people will have back pain at some point in their life. Well, the vast majority of them have a kind of banal pain caused by lack of exercise, bad posture, poor muscle training, aging ...

Exercise or, rather, its absence, often behind the problems of lumbago. "Yes it hurts your back is because we have not applied the appropriate treatment. But if the pain comes and goes, is because we are lazy and do the necessary physical activity, on a regular basis reduces the risk of back pain.

From his experience should know the rules of postural hygiene, but that should not undermine the fact that what is really important in all cases, be physically active and make the necessary exercise for a muscle as powerful, strong, coordinated and trained as possible. "

Avoid these behaviors to alleviate back pain:

  1. Stand. Except in times of acute pain, even if it is-more rest in bed has been banished because unnecessarily prolongs the duration of pain and easy to repeat later.
  2. Give back to the sport. We must strive to maintain the highest level of activity that allows pain because movement irrigation improves the muscles and tissues of the spine, which shortens recovery time.
  3. Leave the bike at home. A common misconception is that back pain is going to walk, and it is not. To strengthen the muscles of the spine is much better exercise bike and swimming.
  4. Taking muscle relaxants. According to the evidence available, are most effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic.
  5. Sleeping on a hard mattress to popular belief, it is true that a very hard to back pain mattress advice. One of medium firmness improves pain intensity and degree of disability. It should also be strong and straight, but soft enough to fit the curves of the spine. Contraindicated a mattress too soft, as it floats without being subject column.

Postural hygiene and ergonomics taught to do all kinds of activities and safer for the back light mode.

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