Easy facial Cleans at home

Easy facial Cleans at home
On the surface of skin is constantly dies upper layer cells. Removing it is called peeling, this procedure gives the skin a fresh and well-groomed appearance. What is good for the face peels at home - they are available, they are always close at hand - in the kitchen or in the medicine cabinet.

Hold facial peels at home is easy. To remove surface layers of the skin are two ways - mechanical and chemical. Peeling in the home is held by the same way, regardless of the underlying scrub or mask: clean face, apply to wet skin scrub (mask), avoiding the eye area, do a light massage for a minute, let dry (no more than 15 minutes), rinse with water, apply skin cream.

So, get acquainted: facial cleans at home.

Mechanical cleaning for face

  • In equal proportions combine fine salt and baking soda. Soak a cotton pad, lather it up and apply a thin film of soap on the skin. Then on the same disc, dipping it in a mixture of salt and baking soda, gently wipe the face in a circular motion. Leave the mixture on your face until dry, then rinse with water.
  • Grind in a food processor or coffee grinder flakes of oatmeal, add a water to make a paste. Apply it on your cleansed face, gently massage the skin, and leave before drying.
  • At home, you can use two types of mechanical exfoliation - from coffee grounds and cosmetic clay. The procedure is performed in the same manner as with the porridge.

Chemical cleans for face

  • Take a couple of aspirin - a conventional or an instant - and drip on them a little bit of water with half a teaspoon. When the tablets soften, mash them by turning them into mush. Cotton pad, apply the mask on wet face and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Crush a few strawberries and berry mush apply on the face. Instead of strawberries, you can use a mask of grated apple, lemon juice and other fruit mask.
  • Lubricate the face cream, yogurt or natural yogurt. Can be mixed with sugar in a ratio of one to one and be used after the sugar is dissolved.

As you can see, facial peels at home simple and easy. We need only remember what to do can be a maximum of 2 times a week in winter and not more than 1 time per week - in the summer, and women with dry skin - even rarer.

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