Blood in the middle of the cycle - from normal to pathology

Blood in the middle of the cycle - from normal to pathology

Many women suddenly notice blood in the middle of the cycle. This can occur at any time during the menstrual cycle and usually scares. The reasons for this bleeding to be recognized immediately.

In most cases, selection may not carry a no-brainer - it's a natural phenomenon. Doctors define it as intermenstrual bleeding, which can begin after the tenth day since the last monthly selections. Such bleeding may last up to three days, but the selection is small. However, if the bleeding does not stop, and it becomes more pronounced, it makes sense to go to a reception at the specialist.

In general, one third of all women can be observed in the blood of a mid-cycle. Should not be afraid of this, bleeding is associated with fluctuating estrogen levels. Ate only problem this woman enough to start taking special supplements that and normalize estrogen levels in the future.

There are two types of bleeding that occurs in the middle of the cycle. One of them is called metrorrhagia - is uterine bleeding, also called acyclic. The second type - intermenstrual bleeding, which can be opened in the interval between periods.

Blood in the middle of the cycle may occur due to several reasons. So, besides the problems with estrogen may infectious inflammation of the cervix or vagina. If you are taking oral contraceptives, it can also cause discharge. Blood sometimes appears because the separation from the egg follicle occurs painful.

It's not all the reasons why you may find yourself in the middle of the blood cycle. To not be nervous for nothing, better consult a doctor.

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