How to braid pigtail-spike?

How to braid pigtail-spike

For the past few seasons as braided hairstyles in vogue. And among them pigtail spike. Learn how to weave simple enough, but it turned out pigtail can be decorated with the help of different accessories or put in a pony. The complex structure of the classical spikelets can easily compete with the braids of three strands.

So, learn to weave a spike. To begin with, comb the hair. That hair is not pushilis from static electricity, use a comb of natural cloth. You can use a special hair gel.

Now divide your hair into 2 equal parts. Begin weaving right. A thin strand from the right side need to cross a thicker strand of the right. Thin strand should be on. Attach it to the left half. Do the same with a thin strand of the left half of the hair. Learn first strands need to tightly twist - it will help in further weaving braids, hair of hair will not stand out. Continue to add thin strands left and right to the left and right side of the hair. Than thinner strands you add, the more effective will look spike, the more time will be spent on the process of weaving.

Finished braid secure scrunchy. Too tight braid can rasterebit hands to give pigtail relaxed look, so fashionable today.

So woven braid-spike. To diversify the classic version, you can use a very thick strand or strands of varying thickness. In the latter case, you will have the hairstyle of careless style. It would seem that you did it in a hurry, while it will look pretty interesting.

To braid colorful spike, you need courage and colored yarn. This hairstyle is perfect for walking around the city, a summer holiday or a party. It will make an impression and create a carefree mood.

Share the hair across the head into two approximately equal parts. Upper half need to stab the hair does not and hung on the back of his head. By seven - eight thin strands tie colorful threads. You can only use one color or many different colors - your choice. You're a classic weave or side spike and hair ready. Remember that colored thread look better in sloppy pigtail, so not worth worrying too much about accuracy. Instead of threads can be woven in the ear of ribbons, such as colors of the flag.

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