Pulsation in the abdomen during pregnancy

Pulsation in the abdomen during pregnancy

From the moment when the woman realizes that she is pregnant, she notices any changes in your body and listen to your feelings. The long-awaited round tummy and the first movement of the baby - these moments are welcome and exciting. There are situations where pregnant women faced with pulsation in the abdomen. This is quite common, as it is encountered many pregnant women. Let's see how and why there is throbbing.

From 28 weeks the baby starts to swallow quite deliberately, preparing yourself to breathe and eat. Such movements strengthen the muscles of the intestines of the baby. Sometimes, a child swallows a small amount of water, which remains as the cause hiccups. And while the baby hiccups, mommy it will feel like throbbing in the abdomen. Hiccups child is accompanied by a dynamic mother twitching tummy while felt a muscle spasm.

Another cause pulsation in the abdomen during pregnancy may be infringing the vena cava. Vienna is located in the retroperitoneal space and passes through the aperture, and depending on the location of the baby or the mother's position can pinch. Throughout the pregnancy the baby and the uterus increases in size, they are then put pressure on the abdomen and thus can pinch the vena cava. I must say that the vena cava compression occurs when the future mom sleeping and resting supine. We must try to avoid this pose.

I want to add that if you are concerned about permanent or long relentless surge, or you are not sure that this is a hiccup or the very hollow Vienna will dispel your doubts only advice and gynecological examination. Pulsation in the abdomen during pregnancy a common phenomenon and is often safe for mother and baby.

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