Missing signs of pregnancy! What to do?

Missing signs of pregnancy! What to do

When the long-awaited pregnancy, the woman is very sensitive, and listens attentively to your body. Of a positive test to ultrasound should undergo 3-4 weeks to make sure its in an interesting position. Live this time in the dark is very painful. Nausea, dizziness, chest pain - all these are signs that future mom feels for yourself. What to do if lost pregnancy symptoms or they were not at all?

Quite often, there are women who want very much to get pregnant. They feel all the primary symptoms, but not pregnant. This is called a false pregnancy. This category of highly sensitive women. By false pregnancy results in the first place a strong desire to become pregnant, and secondly, after a long period of infertility can sometimes show signs of pregnancy. On a subconscious level, the woman feels that the time allotted for procreation, passes, in this case, too, might feel signs of conception occurred. It should be noted that all of these signs of a woman comes up and really feel all by yourself.

Determine the interesting position can during the inspection at the gynecologist or by ultrasound. The cause of the false pregnancy can be a disruption of the endocrine system, ectopic pregnancy and beyond. After some time, a woman's body recovered, lost all signs of pregnancy and the need to try to get pregnant again.

There is another reason why the pregnancy symptoms disappear. There are cases when there is a missed abortion. So call the state in which the fetus dies in the womb for up to 28 weeks. The first symptom of this condition is the miscarriage. Causes of non-viable pregnancy is not known. Under the influence of a variety of factors dramatically lost its characteristic signs and symptoms appear. Such a state is possible due to hormonal problems in women, fetal genetic pathology, Sexually Transmitted Infections. These are the most common causes.

However, if you have lost the signs of pregnancy, not the fact that it is non-viable pregnancy or a hypochondriac. In most cases since the future mom nervous and under stress, they will be back in 2-4 days. In any case, it is best to consult a specialist for advice.

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