Can I get pregnant from male lubrication?

Can I get pregnant from male lubrication
Many couples as protection from unwanted pregnancies are aborted by sexual intercourse. This method raises doubts about its reliability. Since there is a belief that you can not just get pregnant from sperm, but also from liquid. Let's see if you can get pregnant from male lubrication and why this method of contraception is considered so fragile

There are many facts oppose this method of protection. We list the most basic:

  • Unwanted pregnancy - is the most basic and important fact. The scientists found that men Lubricant contains a certain amount of sperm, often it is not enough for fertilization, but there are exceptions.
  • This method is suitable for those couples who are infertile (reasons: irregular menstrual cycles or low concentration of sperm counts in men).
  • Vulnerability to infections, sexually transmitted diseases. If you do not have a regular sexual partner, use a condom.
  • Discomfort during intercourse. The woman did not receive proper pleasure, and the man is in constant tension, which affects not only the mental and physical health, but also on the relationship between the partners.

Thus the question: is it possible to get pregnant from a male lubrication during interrupted sexual intercourse - should be given a clear positive response. Do not risk your physical, mental and moral health, use only modern, reliable, proven science and time contraceptives.

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