How many days after birth can have sex?

How many days after birth can have sex?

This long-awaited event as the birth of a child brings to a family is not only fun, new emotions and happiness, but also the difficulties in the sexual life of husband and wife. The very first difficulty faced by the happy parents: uncertainty in a number of days after birth, you can have sex.

Doctors recommended to abstain from sex for a month and a half. But as we know, every body is unique and different, so you need to consider the following factors:

  • Lack of sexual desire. In some women, this period can last for a month, six months or even a year. Husband should treat his wife with understanding and not to insist on intimacy, and wait for his wife to return sexual desire.
  • Well-being of women. Depends on how you proceeded childbirth and how the post-partum period. Here, too, a lot depends on the man. His help, care and support depends on the state of health of women.
  • Must be considered: what functional disorders woman received during labor: a variety of injuries of the birth canal, postnatal seams etc. And how serious were these violations as quickly restored the female reproductive system, and depends on a number of days after birth can have sex.

Definite answer can be given here, it is necessary to take into account many factors that determine the functional and psychological status of women after childbirth.

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