Bracket system (braces) are a complex orthodontic design intended for correcting the position of a person's teeth. Anyone who dared to set yourself active medical device, tormenting the same question, and how to wear braces. This is due to some inconvenience and even discomfort that occur in the first time after you have installed the bracket system.
Unambiguous answer to the question of how much you need to wear braces, does not exist. In this situation, all individually and duration of wearing orthodontic design depends on many factors.
Most minimum period of six months wearing braces. It should be borne in mind that the inconvenience and discomfort of their installation on the teeth may be a few weeks, and sometimes months. If you decide to stick yourself bracket system, you should familiarize yourself with the possible inconveniences after its establishment on the teeth.
First, it is painful teeth themselves. Also you may get rubbed sore cheeks and tongue. Perhaps there will be some defects of speech, until you get used to the design you have on your teeth. Also, do not forget about the additional care for a bracket system. Must be purchased at the pharmacy special brushes and rinses the mouth, at a time until you're wearing braces. You will also need to drop some of the products that can damage the set design. But remember that instead of all this you get the right bite and beautiful straight teeth that are not only beautiful, but also prevent premature obliteration of tooth enamel.
The answer to the question, how much to wear braces, you can get individually by consulting specialist with the question of the timing of follow-up treatment, many have a question about the guarantee of stability achieved. In this case, again, all individually and it is possible that you will be assigned to another and wearing retainers or retention plate (kappa) during sleep. But this you must notify the treating orthodontist.
Commenting on the timing of wearing braces, first of all pay attention to the complexity of the forthcoming correction of the teeth and the patient's age. On average, experts voiced 1.5-2 years, answering the question, how many walk with braces. But do not forget that this is the average time and the exact answer you can only get at the doctor's. For serious pathologies bracket system can be glued to a term of three years or more.
Do not be afraid of such a large period, the first results are visible, usually within three months after the installation of braces on teeth.
Also to anyone who wants to know how long wear braces, you just need to understand what to focus on friends and acquaintances is not necessary, even if you believe that you have the same problems with the bite. And if you've established yourself bracket system, it is necessary to wear it all the time limit set by the orthodontist. Removing sooner unacceptable.
Many patients understand the seriousness of the treatment, and the question, how much time will be glued bracket system, you should not have them in the first place. They really appreciate the result, which will receive and wear braces for a long time, despite the inconvenience.
Removed this design only orthodontist, using special tools. After removing the teeth cleaned of traces of wearing braces and polished, returning them to their former numbers.
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