Top 5 Reasons why you are not gaining muscle

Top 5 Reasons why you are not gaining muscle
 Train, train and train, your muscle mass and still growing. Is it because of the training, will it be for food?I'll tell you!

1. Impatient you

If you are a beginner the first changes you'll suffer what will happen inside you, who are you not to see. Improve your inter-and intramuscular coordination, your brain will make more and better connections with your muscles and you can even activate a larger number of fibers. Do not look in the mirror the first two weeks wondering why no improvements. Be patient and wait for results.

2. Carry not track

Having a training log is as important as the program itself. To increase your muscle mass and maximize hypertrophy, pointing all your workouts, you lift weight, repetitions, pauses, tempo, and rest time between sets. Wearing this will make controls more monitoring your progress and your energy levels.

3. Structure No

Do not train to train and stick to a plan. It is the best way to increase muscle mass. A random training can make you stronger (especially if you are a beginner) but you'll have far fewer results than with a structured plan. A plan with a good structure can be:

Week 1: 3 × 12-15 / Week 2: 3C10-12 / Week 3: 3 × 8-10

While a random training will be as follows:

 Weeks 1-3: 1st series of 10-12 reps / 2nd set 6-8 reps / 3 sets of 3-5 reps.

Choose the right plan for you and stick to it.

4. Cardio too Beams

If your goal is size and strength, cardio work should not dominate your program. A good HIIT training is the best choice for cardiovascular work, without losing volume. If between sessions you recover well, nothing happens if you add another session of cardio.

5. You eat like a bird

To gain muscle you have to eat, especially protein (2g per kg of weight approx.). You must also include the energy needed for physical training. Add to your workout plan a meal plan mealtimes squaring the gym. Further more you control the calories you eat and the quality of your food.

I usually recommend measuring even the size of the portions to be more accurate in terms of calories consumed.

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