Are your goals realistic?

Are your goals realistic

You have arrived in 2014 and with it the new purposes. I'm sure that most of you have set some goals for this year but I have a plan of action to achieve them you? Do you think the objectives are appropriate?

You must remember not to lose motivation and not help but want to keep fighting for what you really want, your goals must be realistic. Your goal should not be taken lightly because your success will depend on that goal you marques you.

Your new purposes must be based on what you really want in your life, your interests, your abilities, and the time and money you are willing to invest.

Let's see how the goals should be to dial you to go in the right direction and above all for the get.

Specific: Your goals have to be firm and final. You have to know what exactly you want and how you will get it. Think of something concrete rather than "I want to be incredibly well" be more specific / concrete ay what you mean. An example: "This year I'm going 4 times a week to the gym, no excuses"

Measurable: If you can measure it, you can control. How to know if you've reached your goal if you have or how to evaluate nothing to compare? Example: "I want to do 20 minutes of cardio 3 times a week" and "I want to do more cardio." When you measure your progress you stay on the road, is easier to see the exact time you have left to reach the goal and, above all, be able to analyze the feelings you have right now compared to the past.

Achievable: If your goals are far away, you will probably never get to get them. Even if you start with the best intentions, if not an achievable goal, lose motivation and desire to get to the end. The purpose of going to the gym 4 days a week may cease to be an attainable goal if the nearest gym is an hour, working 8 hours a day and have two children.

Realistic: In this realistic case does not mean easy. If this is the first time you run and you run a marathon marks in 3 months your first goal is probably not what you get and even injury. Maybe you should try to run a race as beginning 5kms. It is very achievable and not as easy as it seems.

Concrete in time: Sets the time you want to achieve your goal: next week, in three months, at the end of the year, etc.. Mark a date do you know where in the way you are and how you're doing.

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