Need for Pre-marital AIDS test

Need for Pre-marital AIDS test

Love and wedding mean total surrender and one among the vital marital status duties involve consummation of wedding between the partners. tho' the wedding vows entail upon each the bride and also the groom to carry nothing back from one another, it becomes terribly laborious to speak in confidence to one’s partner the instance of incidence of HIV in your blood.

An intense dialogue has been raging on the difficulty and also the society at massive is split in its opinion over the sensibility of such a move. browse more to grasp what consequences AIDS holds for your marital status life and why ceremonial testing becomes vital during this era of unrestrained sexual liberty.

Sexually liberated men and women
The men and women in the country enjoy greater independence in matters of sexuality today. The concept of a virgin bride or a virgin groom is almost lost barring a few exceptions. Though these men and women are aware of the consequences of unprotected mating, still it is always better to be safe than sorry. Get an HIV test done before entering into a relationship as enduring as marriage.

The rise of Live-in relationships

A lot of young men and women in the metros are living-in because of various reasons and more often than not they end up bedding each other, at times caught unawares with their own act. These men and women are not bound by any vows of marriage that will prompt fidelity. The things indeed get complex and hence it is always better to get an HIV test done before tying the knot.

Increase in Marriageable age
In olden days when the boys were married before they reached 20 and girls before they reached 16, the instances of spurious or illicit sexual activities were almost negligent. But today the marriage age in India for girls and boys has increased considerably. This gives them sufficient time to engage in pre-marital affairs and acts endangering their own health as well as that of their spouse in the future.

Greater Marital bliss
Most of the marriages get dampened due to lack of trust and faith. A negative pre-marital test will only ensure enhanced trust between the partners in the later stages of marital life. Suspecting partners only lead to ruination of a marriage and this can be easily prevented by adopting a broad outlook on such critical issues as HIV AIDS.

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