Harms in Unsafe Sex Between HIV Positive Partners

Harms in Unsafe Sex Between HIV Positive Partners

Having unprotected sex isn't well to individuals, with AN HIV infected partner. This is, however, an apparent declare a partner, who is HIV negative. however what regarding the partner, who is additionally AN HIV infected patient himself? will the chance mitigate just in case of an unprotected sex between partners with HIV infection or will it increase manifolds?

If each the partners have already got the virus, then what else do they need to lose or gain? can it complicate matters further? Let’s facilitate obtaining answers to our worst of fears.Quicker spread of STD’s

In case of unprotected sex in between HIV infected partners, the risk of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases is quite high. The genital fluids help in transmitting some lethal viruses into the body, including those to the likes of Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis and Herpes.

Life aggressive complications
Unprotected sex between HIV positive patients not just transmit STD’s but are likely to wreak havoc in their bodies.  For instance, the virus of Gonorrhea may lead to life threatening pregnancy situations in a woman. They might start off with infections in the anal or urethra region, but will quickly progress spreading in the entire body. This will affect women either by way of causing infertility or ectopic pregnancy. The latter is often characterized by fertilization that takes place outside the uterus, more specifically in the fallopian tubes. These complications can prove life threatening for the mother and the child as well.

Similarly, diseases like Hepatitis B and C, Human Papilloma Virus can all get sexually transmitted in such cases. These often end up causing liver and cervical cancer respectively. Even Human herpes virus 8, which has high chances of getting transmitted, can cause skin cancer.

Probability of re-infection
Unprotected sex in between partners, carrying the HIV virus, also increases the risk of re-infection. This means that already infected HIV patient can get re-infected, in case of having unprotected sex with an HIV positive partner. The HIV virus has a tendency to change or mutate with medicinal drugs over a period of time. However, if during this stage, the patient indulges in unprotected sex then he may get a strain, different to what he has in his body. In such a case, the medications and chances of the drug’s effectiveness decrease or gets complex. Resultantly, the newer strain of virus rejects the treatment and prevails, thereby affecting the immune system of the patient badly. This puts him in a high risk zone.

Considering the dangers of unprotected sex in between HIV positive people, it is imperial to disregard the subject of unprotected sex completely. On the contrary, the issue requires bringing in awareness of these health hazards, so that the sexual act is practiced, but with precautions.

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