Top 5 Skin Care Tips for Winter

Silky sleek and naturally glowing skin could be a sign of fine health and each lady dreams of achieving this un flawed glow effortlessly. in step with written material, our body undergoes the Vita dosh throughout winter.  Vita dosh affects your system nervosum and it ends up in stagnation of circulation of blood. The result? Dry, rough and irritated skin, kinky hair, unsmooth lips and water lessness of eyes too.

Natural Skin Care Tips for Winter

So what are you able to do to stay your skin healthy? Here are a 5 of tips from the nature’s basket which can cause you to radiate with health and sweetness.

Take associate Oil bathtub

Ayurveda prescribes one thing called the Abhyanga Massage. Basically, you need to rub oil on your body and leave it for a minimum of half-hour so it will be absorbed by the skin. This full body massage helps to boost blood circulation, makes your skin supple and calms and relaxes your mind. vegetable oil and apricot oil square measure thought-about to be best for the Abhyanga Massage, however you'll use the other oil too.

Avoid use of Hot Water
Hot water bath, though irresistible during winter, is best avoided. It strips your skin of natural oils and can cause itchiness and redness of the skin. That is why; you must go for lukewarm water while taking a bath. 

Tay away from Soap
Soap has a drying effect on the skin and tends to disturb the PH balance in the skin. So replace your carbolic soaps with gentle moisturizing ones. Choose your soap according to your skin type, and if possible replace it with a nourishing Ayurvedic body wash. After bathing, you should also rub aloe vera gel on your body to keep it moist and soft. 

Gorge on the Greens
Vegetables which have high water content are essential during winter. They help you digest food soon and cleanse your system too. So include green vegetables as well as carrots, lettuce, cucumber and lemon in your diet. 

Healthy Fats
The most significant factor of Vata dosha is that it dries up your skin. But you can fight the dryness by supplementing your diet with healthy fats. Healthy fats include Omega 3 fatty acids, mono saturated fats and poly saturated fats which are plentiful in nuts, soya bean, tofu, olives, and olive oil and so on. Include these foods in your lunch, as the Vata dosha can be prominently seen during afternoon.

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