10 Best Tips Forever Young Your Skin

After expenses endless amount of money on cosmetics and salon treatments, Are you still in search for the fountain of youth?  Well, you will be surprised to know, that how certain habits are ruining your appearance.

Here are the 10 culprits which you tend to ignore

1. What you eat
If you do not want oily and greasy skin, then refrain from eating junk food, oily chips and the alike.

2. Volunteering for free make-up at kiosks

Well we know it might be very hard to turn a blind eye to that professional enchanting touch and instant make-over but watch your steps ladies. You do not want to trust a bunch of marketing students trying to smooth talk you into trying something to improve their selling skills at the cost of your skin!

3. All fabrics are not for you

Even if an expensive fabric does not feel good on your skin, do not get bulldozed into wearing it. All fabrics are not skin-friendly. Give your new clothes a good wash before wearing them.

4. Last moment trials
Bridal spa packages can sure be very attractive, but do not be in the last minute rush to avail them. One bride’s experience should be another bride’s lesson. We know a bride-to-be who never got herself any face treatments, however decided to go for a complete face clean-up which did not augur well for her skin type.

5. Bleaching
 If you do not have the time to bleach your skin at home, do visit the salon by all means, but be careful of what bleach they are actually using. The Spas and Salons could ask you to choose from all sorts of fancy names and yet apply the same cream and activator that they have bought in bulk.

6. Resistance the towel on the skin
Dab, dab and only dab your gorgeous skin with the towel. Even if you use skin wipes to wipe the sweat beads of your face and neck; be gentle. You perspire through skin pores that are better left unprovoked.

7. Via sunscreen only on sunny days
 A day of overcast is no reason to ditch the sunscreen. The sunscreen protects you from ultra violet (UVA & UVB) rays that are present during all daylight hours and winter months even if the sun is playing hide and seek.

8. Get your Vitamin D in wee and not climax hours
 Sun is a natural source of Vitamin D which is essential for the body indeed, but you would do your skin much good by taking a walk in the early morning beautiful sun than in the scorching red hot sun.

9. Smoking and Tobacco
 Out of sight, out of mind could probably go for the damages smoking does to your internal organs that you cannot see earlier on in life, but not when it takes a toll on your skin. Smoking begets ageing.

10. Threat of Shaving
Always use shaving gels or creams before using the razor and shave in the direction of hair growth not against it.

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