How is a breast self-examination

Any detection time facilitates a speedy recovery. In the case of the breasts of women is in our own hands to get it. And is that taking into account the many changes that are suffering from puberty and throughout the menstrual cycle and menopause, they are undergoing a series of changes that can be detected in time provided that an appropriate physical examination is followed.

How is a breast self-examination

When and how a breast self-examination performed

The most suitable to perform a breast self time is five to seven days after the beginning of the rule. It is recommended to set a day in each month, especially if you have already entered menopause. In this way it gets better understand the breasts and notice sooner any change in them.

The first thing to do is analyze your appearance. Each woman's breasts are completely different so all that is needed is perfectly meet yours. Begin by standing in front of a mirror with your arms at each side completely relaxed to begin searching for any change in them as wrinkles, dimples, porous skin, nipple turning inward, dents and any variation in color, shape or contour.

Then you have to go changing the position of the arms always looking for some kind of change. Raise your arms above your head and then placed her hands on her hips firmly to finish from that leaning forward position.

The second part of the self is to lie on your back with a pillow under corresponding to the breast being examined to further raise the arm and place it under your head shoulder. With his free hand is palpable breast looking for any type of hardening, pain or swelling.

You must use the pads of your three middle fingers to feel small circles over the entire area. Then move down and up from the outer part of the breast, ie under the armpit to the center of the chest. We must also consider going down to the area of the clavicle.

Ends compressing very gently with your thumb and middle finger nipple to see if there is any discharge. Performs the same operations with the other breast.

Breast disease

There are many conditions that can get generated in the breast over the life of a woman mainly due to hormonal changes, and although they do not always pose a breast cancer, caution should be exercised and consult your doctor as any noticeable difference.

Mastitis is one of them and is due to an inflammation or infection of the sinuses that can be caused for abscesses, bacteria or fungi among other causes. Cysts may also occur, ie, fluid filled bumps or nodules cone swelling and thickening of the area called fibrocystic.

Also a round, solid, rubbery nodules that move with ease under pressure and are called fibroblasts usually appearing in young women more often may occur.

Another of the most common problems is the appearance of intraductal papilloma, in the case of very similar to warts that grow near the nipples bumps.

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