Emotional Dependency

Achieve and maintain a happy and healthy relationship, involving especially enriched through mutual respect and love and recognition. But sometimes it is not, and without really knowing why, the truth is that losing even just the "dignity" to be "glued" to a relationship that is totally toxic. And the reason they can cost as much away from a person who is hurting us is the emotional dependence.

Emotional Dependency

What characterizes the emotional dependency?

Emotional dependency has a face doubles: one is the most absolute and devoted love and on the other hand, suffering. In these relationships are constant ups and downs and lived like a Ferris wheel. The features are:

The person is aware that this relationship is hurting but is unable to put away and to terminate this union.

Emotional dependency is based on manipulation. What is being sought is to control the lives of the couple not to be abandoned, resulting in many cases in jealousy, in mistrust and even blackmail.

They go on to develop behaviors too exaggerated to overprotect the couple, centering the universe in "the other half" and sometimes, even leaving aside family and friends.

Emotional dependence becomes quite complex dimension, easy to see for people who are out of it, but those who are living, they find a bandage on his eyes for some time.

How do you leave a relationship like this?

The first step is to recognize the emotional dependence since it can not react to something that is not conscious. Therefore it is important that a daily balance is put into your heart and ask yourself honestly what weighs more, if happiness or suffering.

The second step will take responsibility for our own lives. We must learn to be more autonomous and not be so dependent on the couple feel confident one and build self-esteem. You should assess the here and now and not stop to think how the couple was in the past, how you respected or cared. What counts is the present and so we have to ask whether now makes you happy and if you're living the life you really want.

Do not be afraid of loneliness. If the main fear is to let the couple because they can not conceive be the same one despite not being happy, then the problem is yours and you need to solve. To be a happy and mature person must first learn to enjoy one of his own solitude and listening to the inner voice. The purpose of love is not finding your "other half". The first thing to do is learn to be a "whole person" without emotional gaps and thus be able to enjoy more of a relationship.

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