Your relationship is unhealthy?

A relationship that involves being nervous, anxious and worried, can not be on track, so you have to evaluate the behavior of the couple and if necessary take a while to finish or permanently, when attempts have been too.

Your relationship is unhealthy?

There are relationships of all kinds, but there are some that are characterized by being overly negative and unhealthy, such that instead of keeping happy to make the couple are causing concern or stress. Can be generated for various reasons and you need to know to identify if your relationship is falling into this. The problem is that many times in the midst of feeling and the feeling of being in love, it is difficult for a woman to identify when your relationship is turning into a situation that hurts and will not make you happy, even hopes to have.

One of the most noticeable signs of trouble in the relationship, is that usually there are always problems but instead of finding solutions, the appearance of discomfort, arguing and fighting intensifies. You have to make decisions when a relationship in which there is no communication or love, but a habit and desire to fight that seek conciliation agreements is maintained.

In such situations, everything works as a kind of string, then because of fights and continuous discussions, infidelity appears. A man to see things your partner does not work, turn to someone else to feel loved or at least without much stress around. It can also happen because is tired but does not want to cause pain to your partner, so he does not end, but if he is unfaithful.

There will never be a real change when things are bad now. Against aggression of any kind, either verbal or physical, is best left up there, because the pardons the passenger something and maybe the situation will become instead of improving, is complicated. Even if it gets a "stop" and hope things calm down, they can become good friends or even time turn the flame of love and come back after a few months.

Finally, there is the famous blackmail, which threatened the girls with the breakdown of the relationship if an extreme change is not made, whether physical or emotional and or imply a benefit for herself but only for him. One thing is changing for the good of both, but another thing to change radically to please the whim of the couple. Before Love must precede peace with itself and if not definitely has nothing to do, it is better to be alone than with a guy who only generates insecurity, damage to self-esteem, fears and anxieties.

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