The truths of diet drinks

The light sodas are an option for women who want to control their weight, but also want to feel a gaseous effect on your mouth. What we do not know is that this output can be increasing weight silently and also developing some diseases, while they believe their body is better than ever.

The truths of diet drinks
There are many women who consume large quantities because they believe that it can control the level of calorie intake, but the truth is that this kind of drinks can be a double-edged sword. According to nutritionists, these liquids are not so good for the body and health as people think and despite not having sugar, if they have other sweeteners in excess can become toxic.

The first thing we do is entangle the metabolism, ie, having no table sugar and other sweeteners present, the body can assimilate more slowly. Moreover, as the body gets used is kind of flavor you can prove that a food with natural sugar like fruit, taste and does not identify. Another negative is the increase of insulin fail to generate artificial sweeteners and instead of helping weight loss, anger rising gradually.

Unfortunately, excessive consumption of such beverages is linked to the onset of type II diabetes. The increased risk is 37%, which is very high for a person who is caring, but instead of having positive results only find negative things. In addition, an amateur or woman addicted to these drinks can start to feel the very high pressure, high cholesterol, headaches and increase the diameter of your waist. As some type light food, have no nutritional value. That is, no calories, but neither this nourishing the body, is a processing liquid that does not act in a beneficial way. So the best way to control weight is drinking water. For those needing a gaseous effect on your mouth, you can take the option of sparkling water and know very well.

Those receiving other damage that diet soda causes, are the teeth. It is known that the consumption of gas is fatal for dental health, enamel and whiteness, instead, generate deterioration, decay, a yellow tone and even loss of some pieces, if there is a good care. The bones also suffer and especially in the case of women, who are likely to suffer from osteoporosis. Therefore, before consuming many cans or bottles of soda a day light, one must know the consequences that could have for the body. Best take it low, maybe about three cans a week, although it would be preferable if you do not drink.

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