Hateful fellow acne

Hateful fellow acne? We resolve some doubts about those pesky pimples that have them so mad.

Why do I get more pimples before or during menstruation?

Because during those days hormones act peripherally directly, ie, on the skin surface. Therefore we must monitor the pace of the rules in girls because sometimes, when those enrolled irregularly, may be a sign of hormonal alteration to watch.
Hateful fellow acne
Are all grains leave scars to heal?

No, not all grains leave a trail behind her disappearance. Inflammatory lesions that have occurred have more chances of scarring. It is also very important to think that when we see a pimple on our skin, can last for days, maybe a week; however, if we fall into the temptation of "petarlo" touch, it is possible we replace it by a scar that can last many years.

Is the summer sun or worse?

Usually in the summer period a significant improvement in the lesions due directly to the inhibitory factor having the sun on the germ responsible for the inflammatory lesions of acne occurs.

Does acne contagious?

No, acne is not contagious or by direct contact with beads.
I have understood that all treatments are irritating and peel my skin. Is it true?

No, the treatment as say, should be individual for each and according to your skin type. Yes it is true that some products may irritate skin and our face but, if used well and following the instructions to give us the physician does not have to be uncomfortable application.
If you have acne you can not makeup or use cosmetics?

The cosmetics are not harmful for acne. While not clogging the pores or irritate the skin. Your dermatologist will recommend appropriate non-fat products - "noncomedogenic" - and with good tolerance to prevent the onset or worsening of your acne and you can hide it with your friends.

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