How dangerous thirst for human health?

How dangerous thirst for human health

Today, more and more often you can hear that for the normal functioning of our body need to drink as often as possible during the day the water, and doctors advise to do it in small portions. The fact is that if you drink at once, for example, half a liter of water, most of it will not have time to wash our cell or organism would be getting as much water as it is now necessary, and the rest will take place in transit, and has not committed any utility function. 

In addition to removing excess fluid from the body are involved a number of organs and systems that will work practically in vain. Their This implies that the water throughout the day should be taken proportionally, one, two throats of times each hour. And this winter to do a little less, just one and a half or two hours, and vice versa in the summer every thirty, forty minutes.

The most harmful is the fact that the lack of liquid, our body begins to receive it from other organs and systems, sometimes even back from the bladder. That is not the best option and promotes the formation of slagging and toxins in our body. So get water, take e from other reserves body is obliged, because the brain can not live without water, and every cell in our body can not exist without constant renewal. Cells shrivel even slightly from a lack of necessary amount of water. The same thing happens with our brain, it can be reduced to a systematic lack of moisture, which subsequently have a negative effect on his work and a person's ability to quickly and correctly respond to any life tasks.

Lack of water in the body gradually affects the general well-being, which leads to a syndrome of fatigue and as a consequence reduce human performance. A common symptom of the shortage of water in the body is a headache that indicates excessive vasoconstriction of the brain due to lack of fluid in the body.

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