Dystonia, that is how it is usually denoted in medicine, the IRR is characterized by dysfunction of the autonomic, ie, the autonomic nervous system. This means that the functionality can be broken in virtually all organs and systems, but most of the problem areas with vegetative dystonia suffer from diseases Cardiovascular system.
Vegetative-vascular dystonia has become nowadays a very common disease, and all thanks to the fact that today's youth is a very sedentary lifestyle. Reside at the computer, and also leads a sedentary lifestyle. Constantly uses cell phones, radio waves which are capable of increasing intracranial pressure, which of course contributes to the formation of all the preconditions for the emergence of vascular dystonia (VVD).
Vegetative-vascular dystonia has become nowadays a very common disease, and all thanks to the fact that today's youth is a very sedentary lifestyle. Reside at the computer, and also leads a sedentary lifestyle. Constantly uses cell phones, radio waves which are capable of increasing intracranial pressure, which of course contributes to the formation of all the preconditions for the emergence of vascular dystonia (VVD).
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