Today we will talk with you about home masks that can be used on thin skin of the breast - these masks pulled up your chest, give it elasticity and beautiful appearance.
Homemade masks for breast firming
Honey mask will not only give breast elasticity, but also saturate breast tissue lots of vitamins. Ingredients: honey - tablespoon of aloe juice - teaspoon lemon oil - 5 drops. Aloe juice and lemon oil are sold in every pharmacy, it is not a problem. All mix and apply to the chest (except ghosting) and chest area, rub with gentle movements and leave for 15 minutes. Mask is washed off with cool water.

Mask with cognac and cream cheese. Half a pack of cottage cheese (100g) mash, mix with a teaspoon of vegetable oil and spread brandy or liqueur pepper to a thick slurry, obmazhte breast (except the nipple) and chest area. Keep for 10 minutes, remove the mask cloth Wash the chest with cool water.
Homemade masks for tightening and strengthening the chest
If the breast loses its shape, droops, you can help mask that strengthen the chest muscles. One of these - a clay. Dilute milk 2 tablespoons of clay to a thick porridge, connect with a teaspoon of honey and the resulting compositions obmazhte breast skin from the neck of the solar plexus. Warning - you coat the breasts do not need, but all around them. Mask hold until the clay hardens, then gently soak the mask with cool water, rinse and wipe the skin tonic.
Very well nourishes the skin and tightens the chest seaweed mask. Buy dry seaweed can be either in the pharmacy or at the store, I take the already thin leaves of which make sushi. Algae, if it is not the powder was milled in a coffee grinder or pounded, then water was added until a thick slurry. I take one mask for 2-3 tablespoons of seaweed, breed water and add half a teaspoon of cod liver oil, which is very much beneficial omega acids. This composition is rubbed all cleavage and breasts, remove half an hour wet wipes or a soft cloth, then rinse the chest.
Recommended for breast lift and oatmeal mask, it is elementary, even for the home environment. 2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal pour boiling water so that the flakes were covered with water, after 10 minutes, drain the remaining water, the slurry is slightly cool, obmazhte chest and soak 20 minutes. As always, wash off the mask with cool water, then wiping the skin tonic.
Homemade masks for beautiful skin chest
If the skin on the chest scaly, red, there are wrinkles or pimples, you need a hydrating mask. Very good for the breast skin oil mask - a teaspoon of olive oil, plus five drops of tea tree oil (available in every pharmacy). Rub the hands to make them warm and gradually taking a mixture of oils, gently rub it into the skin and cleavage breasts (except halos and nipples). Rinse off the oil is not necessary, let them soak into the skin. Better to do this mask in the evening, because after 3:00 it is impossible to go out.
Excellent mask rejuvenates the skin gelatin. Gelatine - is the same collagen, which consists of our skin. Gelatin is important to cook - we advise you to watch this video in order to properly make the composition. Gelatin dries quickly - as soon as it happened, do not wait, go to the bathroom and rinse with cool water gelatin. Here, the water temperature is extremely important - just warm water will wash away the collagen film, so pay special attention to this point.
Yogurt Mask for breast - and tasty, and healthy. Half a jar of natural yoghurt mixed with two tablespoons of flour (can be starch or oatmeal), the mixture was spread over the surface of the chest and neck area and spend 2-3 minutes gentle massage, and then leave the mask on for 10 minutes. Remove the mask wipes, breast rinse.
Hopefully, these masks will help you get a chest that will please both you and your man. We will be grateful to you if you leave us your feedback or comment on the subject of the article.
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