Whether it is necessary to strengthen the abdominal muscles during pregnancy?

Whether it is necessary to strengthen the abdominal muscles during pregnancy?

Any young mother after childbirth wants to return her figure back to normal. But not every woman can completely restore their best form. If the correct approach to this issue, it is, of course, possible. So first of all we should think about how to strengthen the abdominal muscles even during pregnancy. After all, it is essential for obtaining good shape after childbirth.

Mistakenly believed that during pregnancy women is absolutely contraindicated active sports. If she has no specific contraindications, and birth defects, there is nothing to prevent it from being active during pregnancy. Moderate exercise not only considered to be the key to easy recovery in the postpartum period, but also useful for the baby. The main part in the pregnancy take your abdominals, which, unfortunately, are the most problematic area of most women.

Exercising during pregnancy not only helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles, but also to prepare for childbirth, maintain the tone, maintain good posture, improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of swelling and varicose veins.

To avoid injury during exercise during pregnancy, you need to make a special warm-up, and only then begin to exercise power. And you need to load to correspond to stress before pregnancy. Absolutely can not do the exercises during pregnancy, which are associated with sharp movements, jumping and pulling the body. To strengthen the abdominal muscles during pregnancy, there are specially designed programs.

Activities should last no longer than 10 minutes and 1-2 minute break. All exercises should be performed slowly, listening carefully to your body. If you experience the slightest discomfort exercise should be stopped immediately.

In any case, before starting any exercise on the abdominal muscles during pregnancy, you should consult with your doctor. After all, there are conditions under which the performance of any of the exercises should be avoided. For example, exercise during pregnancy are contraindicated in the presence of any inflammatory diseases; detachment of the placenta; increased tone; high blood pressure; growth retardation; occurrence of bleeding; excessive expansion of the cervix; multiple pregnancy; threat of miscarriage or premature birth, etc..

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