How to make a deep peels at home?

How to make a deep peels at home

Peeling, completely removing the upper layers of the epidermis, leaving behind a young skin, called deep. It shows only the aging, with significant changes in the skin. Is it possible to deep peels at home? No, these procedures are carried out only in the clinic.

In fact it is a controlled chemical burns to the skin, requiring after a long recovery period. To hold such a deep peeling at home is not possible - it is a very invasive procedure, for it requires not only special preparations, but who knows, a skilled specialist.

What types of peels are available in the home?

Independently can be used only superficial types peel, both mechanical and chemical (acid). With their help, you can achieve good results - to improve skin elasticity, reduce cellulite and stretch marks, even to reduce excess body weight.

Relatively deep body scrub can be done after steaming the skin in the shower or in the bath with a stiff or luffa sponges of sisal scrubs containing melkomolotye apricot, coffee, egg shells, powder concoctions.

Deeper peels will face if the procedure to carry out pre-steam the face with hot water. Then, the softened upper skin layers easily removed using a scrubs and masks.

How do we draw a deep facial peels at home?

  • Clean the skin with the help of a lotion, foam or soap,
  • Wet hot boiled water, towel and gently place it on the face, the temperature should not be burning,
  • Steam the face for 5-10 minutes, put on a mask or scrub,
  • Make a gentle massage of the face, being careful not to injure the skin,
  • Rinse scrub or mask from the face of clean, warm water,
  • Apply a moisturizer or nourishing cream.

Do not get involved, and to conduct such procedures are too often avoid making them in the summer, when the sunny weather. And finally - peels are contraindicated in any painful skin changes.

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