Why is there pain in the muscles during pregnancy?

Pregnancy - is a period of great change in a woman's body. Changes occur in all living systems and organs, tissues and the body as a whole. Naturally, this also applies to the muscles.

Many women who are in an interesting position, eventually begin to feel pain in the leg muscles, the muscles of the abdomen, in the groin muscles, the muscles of the vagina, and so on. D. Therefore, they are very interested in the question - why is there pain in the muscles during pregnancy? Let's try to figure it out.

Drastic changes during pregnancy are exposed to the skeletal muscles. Skeletal muscles before pregnancy were responsible for the formation of the press, and now their main task is to maintain the uterus. In addition, they will have to move a lot more weight than before pregnancy. Therefore, if a woman before pregnancy did not pay attention to sports, then her muscles are not flexible enough. In this regard, there is pain in the muscles during pregnancy and increases the risk of sprains and injuries. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the gym.

During pregnancy can greatly stretch the muscles of the pelvic floor, which is the cause of pain in the groin muscles and the muscles of the vagina. The muscles of this group are involved in natural childbirth, so you need to do special exercises to strengthen them. After a strong stretching of these muscles can lead to a weakening of the muscles of the urethra, which means to involuntary urination during a gentle laugh, cough or exercise.

Just during pregnancy increases the strain on the back muscles. With the growth of the abdomen varies and the center of gravity. If an expectant mother back muscles are weak, then she begins to experience pain in the muscles of the back during pregnancy. In addition, it can change posture and gait. The only way out of this situation - is wearing a special brace or corset.

Weight gain women increases the load on leg muscles. As a result, there are pregnancy nagging pains in the legs, cramps in the calf muscles, as well as swelling and symptoms of varicose veins. To solve this problem using special exercises and prescribers with calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins A and E.

It is worth paying attention to the chest muscles. During pregnancy, the breasts gradually increases and strains, thus creating an additional burden. Therefore, in order to avoid muscle pain during pregnancy is necessary to perform specific exercises to strengthen the chest.

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