How to do a foot massage?

How to do a foot massage

The procedure for massaging the legs and feet perfectly affects both the muscles of the legs and the entire body. Through pressing of certain reflex points can affect different body parts. So, how do foot massage itself?

Foot massage technique includes:

  • It is advisable to sit comfortably in an easy chair and put his feet on a special stand;
  • Grind in the hands of a small amount of massage oil, consisting of the essential oil of geranium (1 drop), chamomile (1 drop), lavender (3kapli) and olive oil or castor oil (10 ml.)
  • Start doing a foot massage should be with the fact that with the help stroking movements thumbs must be heated upper part of the foot, from the toes to the ankle;
  • Expand your foot to her and do the same movements on the bottom of the feet;
  • Relaxation and stress relief joints. To do this, gently hold the heel of the back with one hand, and the second - should gently rotate the foot turns in both directions;
  • Massaging toes. To do this, gently clasp the foot with one hand under the lift, and the other - to make a slow stroking motion, moving from the little finger to the thumb. Then, each finger must be a little twist to each side several times;
  • Followed clasp heel back with one hand while the other index finger - gently stroke between each finger;
  • Hold the heel of the back with one hand, the inside of the palm of the other - should make some smooth compressions to rise;
  • Check out the best massage smooth stroking movements.

After the massage, wear cotton socks and get some rest.

Now you know how to massage the feet and delight such procedures themselves and their families.

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