Beauty Queen Sophie Marceau Smile will brighten all

Beauty Queen Sophie Marceau Smile will brighten all

Women around the world tirelessly seeking recipes for eternal youth and beauty. They wish to be perfect, in spite of age and fatigue. Not surprisingly, some of the fair sex is still possible. Today we talk about the beauty secrets of the famous French actress Sophie Marceau.

Noble beauty

Noble beauty "with chertinkoy" - so it is possible to describe the appearance of French actress Sophie Marceau. Even as a little edgy teenager, she has won many hearts and has become a sex symbol.

Actress was born in France in 1966, in the small town of Gentilly, and in 14 years it was noticed by a famous film director Claude Pinoteau, without hesitation and immediately approved the young talent for the lead role in the romantic comedy "Boom", a film about first love. After the release of this movie, nee Sophie Daniel Sylvie Maupeou woke up famous. There was not a day goes by that she did not return from a walk home with armfuls of flowers from fans! With the release of the film actress entered into the adult life of a star and changed its name, becoming Sophie Marceau.

But in addition to acting talent, Sophie Marceau wins and his extraordinary, sophisticated and bright appearance. Let's reveal the beauty secrets of the French actress.


Sophie Marceau, the woman next cardinal rule: do not need to paint the beauty and stress. You will not see a bright make-up and calling Sophie Marceau, but looking at it, will always remember the look of expressive almond-shaped eyes. The actress has repeatedly recognized that in everyday life practically does not use decorative cosmetics. In her purse is, perhaps, only light pink blush to help freshen the face, and two lip gloss: caramel and cream shades. Lipstick actress does not favor, as well, and powder and tonal resources.

For every day Sophie Marceau uses only translucent beige matte foundation and uses the output dot concealer masking using a minor flaws, but never putting on the whole face. Also on the way out Sophie Marceau can emphasize the eyes with black pencil eye and eyelashes make up black, extension and increasing the volume of ink.


Sophie Marceau has never resorted to the services of cosmetic surgery, and is not a fan of trips to the beautician and spa treatments. Despite this, her skin, face and figure look great! What is the secret? Perfect skin Sophie Marco owes much olive oil. Every evening, the actress washing his face with plain soap, and then massaged onto the skin causing the olive oil, leave it to soak into the skin, after removing the excess with a paper towel. Oil nourishes the skin with vitamins and makes it more supple, helps to maintain youthfulness.

Despite the love for a natural remedy, Sophie Marceau does not reject's Skin creams known firms, but they must include in its composition of natural ingredients.


And, of course, we can not pay attention to the slender figure Sophie Marceau! It seems that the actress spends in the gym many hours and wears a diet. But it is not. Sophie Marceau many times recognized that the majority of sports for it turned out to be boring, and other stars of popular jogging and swimming are not fond of. However, every morning it starts with a light charge, which helps recharge for the day, as well as keep in shape your abdominal muscles and hips.

As for diets, Sophie Marceau is not sitting on them: its diet consists mainly of fruits and vegetables as well as fish and seafood, but meat for a long time she refused. As well as snacks in the form of candy, chips, snacks, and other hazards.

And finally - the most important secret of the beauty of Marceau. When asked about the main actress secret of its appeal, it is not thinking always says: "Smile." And it is difficult to argue!

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