How to paint Asian People eyes

How to paint Asian People eyes

Asian people eyes can, and quite unusual for a European look, but that they are no less beautiful. Knowing how to properly paint Asian eyes can be reduced with the mind of any man, honoring your attention. It only needs to understand a few subtleties makeup for Asian eyes.

Oriental beauties from the covers of magazines are resorting to very serious measures to emphasize the beauty of their Asian eyes: this false eyelashes and the lenses, and glue, and lifts the eyelids etc. tricks that make the puppet look in the style of "anime". These same procedures sometimes resort and Asian men. And many Asians create a "European" eyes with a small operation.

For each day of this rather painful makeup is hardly applicable. The main thing that must meet a girl with Asian type eyes - visually expand them. To do this, when you paint Asian eyes, you can use the following methods.

  • For shading narrow eye shadow, use olive or any bright colors.
  • Eyelashes well to stain, preferably with lengthening mascara twirled effect.
  • Use a dark eyeliner only for the upper eyelid, lower eyelid can draw a light pencil.

Technology applying makeup for Asian eyes

  • Apply foundation on the eyelids and powder them.
  • Upper eyelid cover light shadows under eyebrow apply a little pearl.
  • Give a clear eyebrow shape. You can lighten it for a couple of colors or cover brown shadows.
  • Good paint the lashes (for evening makeup, you can use overhead).
  • Eyeliner pencil or dark you want to draw thick line on the upper eyelid, apply for the lower lighter tone.

Learn how to paint Asian eyes - a trick (any skill comes with experience). Of course, huge, wide-open eyes of European make at home is unlikely, but if it's worth doing at all? After all, oriental girl full of charm and mystery thanks to its natural beauty!

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