Ultrasound During Pregnancy - Features of the Procedure

Ultrasound During Pregnancy - Features of the Procedure

Ultrasound examination - the survey of internal organs with the help of medical ultrasonic waves with a frequency of 2 to 10 MHz. Human organs and tissues have different ultrasonic permeability: some soaking up the rays, some fully reflect. Due to this effect, and special equipment is possible to obtain images of internal organs, allowing them to carry out the diagnosis, detect the presence of abnormalities and tumors, as well as to monitor the development of the fetus in pregnant women.

t is with the help of ultrasound , you can set the exact timing of the pregnancy, to determine the presence of genetic abnormalities in the embryo , to establish its viability and more. Using ultrasound are examined not only the fruit but also the placenta , amniotic fluid, uterus, umbilical cord , epididymis . This procedure allows you to judge condition in the mother and the unborn child and even eliminate the possibility of the development of certain diseases of the fetus in the early stages of diagnosis.

According to the Ministry of Health of Russia pregnant women registered at the clinic should undergo routine screening ultrasound 3 :

    12 - 14 weeks ;
    21 - 22 week ;
    32 - 34 weeks .

If there are certain indications held unscheduled study. Such indications include abdominal pain, bleeding , and chronic diseases (inflammation of the urinary organs , blood disorders , diabetes ) , suspected violation of pregnancy ( fading fetal placental abruption ) , the presence of hereditary diseases. If a woman over 35 years or she was already pregnant before and had a miscarriage , it will also cause for unscheduled inspections.

A common opinion about the dangers of ultrasound found no scientific evidence . Today it is the most painless and safe procedure for both mother and child. At the same time , such a study is the only way to establish the sex of the child , and the cost of ultrasound for pregnant maximum available - within 600 - 2500 rubles.

Ultrasound does not require special training , if it is held in a private clinic , the woman did not even have to buy special diapers and condoms (with transvaginal examination ) - they will be provided free of charge . When a need to have a medical card and the results of previous procedures. I can bring Flash-drive and ask a doctor to save images to the memory of your child .

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