We Count the Number of Days after your Period Begins Ovulating

We Count the Number of Days after your Period Begins Ovulating

Ovulation - the period when the egg is capable of fertilization , leaving the ovary. So many women try to calculate how many days after your period begins ovulating to become pregnant , or vice versa , to be more careful in this period to avoid pregnancy . Several days prior to ovulation, and a few days after , are fertile phase , i.e. chance to conceive a child is very high.

In any case, in order to determine the number of days after menstruation starts ovulation your menstrual cycle should be regular, otherwise calculations can be significant deviations .

Approximately 12 days after the first day of menstruation, the body is thrown a large number of pituitary hormone secretion, and 36 hours after that, ovulation occurs . This tells us that when the regular 28 day cycle , ovulation is possible on day 14 of the cycle. But again , the deviations from the average are always possible .
Knowing your cycle , to understand when menstruation begins after ovulation , it is possible with the help of primitive computing the so-called calendar method . Simply subtract the number 14 on the number of days of the cycle . In addition to these indicators , the pain symptoms in the lower abdomen and increased vaginal discharge may indicate the beginning of ovulation.

The answer to the question , how many days after ovulation begin menstruating is quite generalized . After all, every woman's body is different and cycle failures occur in many women.

For a more reliable determination of the day of ovulation, it is possible to measure basal body temperature. To do this you need to keep fixing temperature for several months.

Before the day of ovulation basal temperature will drop slightly, the next day it will be a little higher than your normal measurements.

Yet, the most reliable method for determining ovulation is an ultrasound examination, with which you can set a number of days after monthly ovulation specifically you.

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