What does the American style of dress

What does the American style of dress

Surely you thought that Americans like frilly and visible things, but this is not true . Simplicity and democracy - this is probably the main words that can be used to characterize American style clothes. But these characteristics do not mean that a girl who prefers the American style of dress , looks inconspicuous and ordinary. And here's why.

The fact that Americans love to combine seemingly incongruous things. For example, a light dress with delicate floral print , girls can easily be worn with heavy boots , cowboy style ala . And oddly enough , but it looks very interesting. American style - a mix of images of different epochs : the style elements of cowboy westerns , country and ethnic style .

Perhaps the most popular combination of clothing - jeans or leggings it , T-shirts with prints and sneakers or ballet flats . Sweater or jacket several sizes larger complement the image , making it effortless and homely. Americans love hoodies or , as they are called , hoodies . Quite often you can see a girl in a hoodie with the logo of the university or favorite sports team . It is very popular among Americans.

American style of dress suggests comfort and convenience. Most American women do not wear expensive jewelry, at least in everyday life , but the jewelery is very popular. Ethnic beads, earrings or bracelets can often be seen on the resident of American cities , but it is not mandatory atribut.Navernyaka you thought that Americans like frilly and visible things, but this is not true . Simplicity and democracy - this is probably the main words that can be used to characterize American style clothes. But these characteristics do not mean that a girl who prefers the American style of dress , looks inconspicuous and ordinary. And here's why.

The fact that Americans love to combine seemingly incongruous things. For example, a light dress with delicate floral print , girls can easily be worn with heavy boots , cowboy style ala . And oddly enough , but it looks very interesting. American style - a mix of images of different epochs : the style elements of cowboy westerns , country and ethnic style .

Perhaps the most popular combination of clothing - jeans or leggings it , T-shirts with prints and sneakers or ballet flats . Sweater or jacket several sizes larger complement the image , making it effortless and homely. Americans love hoodies or , as they are called , hoodies . Quite often you can see a girl in a hoodie with the logo of the university or favorite sports team . It is very popular among Americans.

American style of dress suggests comfort and convenience. Most American women do not wear expensive jewelry, at least in everyday life , but the jewelery is very popular. Ethnic beads, earrings or bracelets can often be seen on the resident of American cities , but it is not a mandatory attribute .

Clothing does not have to be expensive, and often it is bought at sales, but if you pay attention, you'll notice that this attribute as a bag, in most cases, expensive and branded. This is a very important trait common to the American style.

Relax and enjoy every second of your life - a great motto perfectly characterizes American style clothes.

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